Original Timestamp: 2014-01-30 04:38:27.200239
Original Timestamp: 2014-01-30 04:38:27.200239 PWNd custom intherited python module for CW SOAP API access – Tied it into my PySide GUI W0000Tz! like a b0$$
Original Timestamp: 2014-01-30 04:38:27.200239 PWNd custom intherited python module for CW SOAP API access – Tied it into my PySide GUI W0000Tz! like a b0$$
Original Timestamp: 2014-02-24 05:48:48.345854 Testing Twitter integration!
Testing Body of .blogpost file!
Even though I knew better, I learned the hard way (and Google Cache saved my bum!) about running as root in production. If your backup process is manual (whatever type of backup), it’s not good enough. Let’s learn from my mistakes – automate that stuff: echo -e ‘#!/bin/sh\n START=$(date +%s)\n rsync -avh /usr/local/www/* /mountedbackupdrive/hwcdibak/ \\[…]
Totally hosed my BlogPosts Table trying to add functionality for authenticated users to comment on blog posts… All posts gone, no backup. Thank goodness to Google Cache for saving all my content !!! (Great but scary) – then my local auto-complete in chrome saved my post from this morning… big hit, but i only lost[…]
But decided to mess with my production DB, and hosed all my blogpost entries. Didnt backup first. n00b. I was sad… I’ll slowly be republishing as I go… :/
This would be confirmation?