Unix Find Files Larger Than X
% find /home/colin/ -type f -size +1G -exec ls -lh {} \; or % find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 du -h | sort -hr | head -20
% find /home/colin/ -type f -size +1G -exec ls -lh {} \; or % find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 du -h | sort -hr | head -20
Silly!! Hosed myself and Revoked the UCC cert instead of rekeying it! Luckily, GoDaddy kept this within their terms, and I only had to pay a $15 restocking fee + the difference to make up a full year since the original purchase date (they can only sell certs by the full year). After that, it[…]
Initially, I had to re-install GApps to get the Play Store working on my xt926. Then, I couldn’t download anything, and kept receiving Error [RPC:S-7:AEC-0]. The solution was to clear the Cache and Data on: ( Settings -> Apps -> All ) > Download Manager > Google Play Services > Google Play Store (Reboot, All[…]
pip and easy_install failed – missing sql.h # pkg install unixODBC # ln -s /usr/local/include/sql* /usr/include/ # ln -s /usr/local/include/iodbc* /usr/include/ # pip install pyodbc
Ran into an error running Justin’s code (http://git.zx2c4.com/PhotoFloat/about/): TypeError: can’t compare datetime.datetime to unicode (When I uploaded a newly edited PNG from GIMP and ‘scan’ updated my cache). So I did a quick bit of debugging: PhotoFloat/scanner# python -m pdb ./main.py ../web/albums/ ../web/cache/ > PhotoFloat/scanner/main.py(3)() -> from TreeWalker import TreeWalker (Pdb) b PhotoAlbum.py:42 Breakpoint 1[…]