Embed Mautic Form in WordPress Theme
If you don’t want to use a shortcode in a post, you can add it anywhere you want in PHP: <?php echo do_shortcode(”); ?>
If you don’t want to use a shortcode in a post, you can add it anywhere you want in PHP: <?php echo do_shortcode(”); ?>
Been ripping my hair out trying to keep my blogpost links alive after porting to WP from flask… needed to transform my URLs to lower and swap underscores.. After a few overnights scrambling together code with no luck (I am behind nginx, and could prolly do it there).. but VX in #wordpress on freenode helped[…]
My process / notes are below, I was trying to determine best OpenVPN config for APU1D4. Notes and process are below, but I landed on AES-256-CBC, SHA-256, DH 2048 with RSA HW Acceleration. The OS is pfSense 2.2-RELEASE amd64. With the above settings, from host to host, I saw large file transfer speeds of 1.5-4.3[…]
Soooo 2.2 is in RELEASE 🙂 it is based on Freebsd 10.1 – Awesome… But ripped my hair out getting AV filtering going. Squid 3.4 now packages in clamd – no longer need to install HAVP. Kept getting c-icap protocol errors… After all day of digging, turns out c-icap was built only listening ipv6. Thanks[…]
*You need a NULL modem DB9* (I have USB-DB9-GenderChanger-FtoMNullModemAdapter) Buy stuff, assemble stuff, write image to boot media Connect stuff Listen @ *115200* (APU default): Windows – Putty *nix – screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 BOOT (to your media) Be *Ninja Fast* and kill the 115200 session Then open a new one at *9600* … (pfSense default)[…]
Sooo… running my MikroAWS app with Supervisord behind uWSGI wasn’t correctly running my apscheduler jobs. … my cache wasn’t updating 🙁 oh noes! … uWSGI has it’s own background worker functionality ‘mules’ Add to mikroaws.ini (mod # to be your # of workers): mules = 1 Rem out references to apscheduler… And use uWSGI mules[…]
Took me a while to get the C Compiler installed in OpenVMS 8.4 on my FreeAXP Alpha emulator. It was a rocky start, getting the OS installed, navigating around, getting TCPIP going… My initial attempts to transfer files over ssh resulted in cc073.a and .b files getting corrupted. Finally, I figured out how to FTP[…]
Sooo… might be a little hacky… but this is excellent!!!: colin@mikrojenkins:~$ cat /etc/supervisor/conf.d/logindroplet.conf [program:logindroplet] command=ssh -t -i /home/colin/.ssh/id_rsa -R8080:mikrogitlab.mikrodots.org:80 -R3030:mikrodash.mikrodots.org:3030 -R8000: -R5000: -R4000: -R7331: colin@mikrodroplet.mikromanage.com directory=/home/colin/0logindroplet autostart=true autorestart=true stdout_logfile=/home/colin/0logindroplet/logindroplet.log redirect_stderr=true stopsignal=QUIT colin@mikrojenkins:~$ cat /etc/supervisor/conf.d/mikroaws.conf [program:mikroaws] command=/home/colin/mikroaws/bin/uwsgi /home/colin/mikroaws/mikroaws.ini directory=/home/colin/mikroaws autostart=true autorestart=true stdout_logfile=/home/colin/mikroaws/logs/mikroaws.log redirect_stderr=true stopsignal=QUIT colin@mikrojenkins:~$ cat /home/colin/mikroaws/mikroaws.ini [uwsgi] socket = /tmp/mikroaws.sock chmod-socket = 666 master =[…]
Add this to your server block: proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
My manual edits of /etc/reslov.conf weren’t persisting through reboots. resolvconf overwrites it each time … sad panda To force static nameservers, I did this: root@mikrojenkins:/home/colin# echo -e ‘nameserver\nnameserver’>>/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head root@mikrojenkins:/home/colin# resolvconf -u