WordPress Rewrite URL

Been ripping my hair out trying to keep my blogpost links alive after porting to WP from flask… needed to transform my URLs to lower and swap underscores.. After a few overnights scrambling together code with no luck (I am behind nginx, and could prolly do it there).. but VX in #wordpress on freenode helped[…]

OpenVPN on APU1D4

My process / notes are below, I was trying to determine best OpenVPN config for APU1D4. Notes and process are below, but I landed on AES-256-CBC, SHA-256, DH 2048 with RSA HW Acceleration. The OS is pfSense 2.2-RELEASE amd64. With the above settings, from host to host, I saw large file transfer speeds of 1.5-4.3[…]

pfSense On APU1D4

*You need a NULL modem DB9* (I have USB-DB9-GenderChanger-FtoMNullModemAdapter) Buy stuff, assemble stuff, write image to boot media Connect stuff Listen @ *115200* (APU default): Windows – Putty *nix – screen /dev/ttyUSB0 115200 BOOT (to your media) Be *Ninja Fast* and kill the 115200 session Then open a new one at *9600* … (pfSense default)[…]

uWSGI mules not apscheduler

Sooo… running my MikroAWS app with Supervisord behind uWSGI wasn’t correctly running my apscheduler jobs. … my cache wasn’t updating 🙁 oh noes! … uWSGI has it’s own background worker functionality ‘mules’ Add to mikroaws.ini (mod # to be your # of workers): mules = 1 Rem out references to apscheduler… And use uWSGI mules[…]

CC and CXX on OpenVMS

Took me a while to get the C Compiler installed in OpenVMS 8.4 on my FreeAXP Alpha emulator. It was a rocky start, getting the OS installed, navigating around, getting TCPIP going… My initial attempts to transfer files over ssh resulted in cc073.a and .b files getting corrupted. Finally, I figured out how to FTP[…]

OMFG Supervisord FTW

Sooo… might be a little hacky… but this is excellent!!!: colin@mikrojenkins:~$ cat /etc/supervisor/conf.d/logindroplet.conf [program:logindroplet] command=ssh -t -i /home/colin/.ssh/id_rsa -R8080:mikrogitlab.mikrodots.org:80 -R3030:mikrodash.mikrodots.org:3030 -R8000: -R5000: -R4000: -R7331: colin@mikrodroplet.mikromanage.com directory=/home/colin/0logindroplet autostart=true autorestart=true stdout_logfile=/home/colin/0logindroplet/logindroplet.log redirect_stderr=true stopsignal=QUIT colin@mikrojenkins:~$ cat /etc/supervisor/conf.d/mikroaws.conf [program:mikroaws] command=/home/colin/mikroaws/bin/uwsgi /home/colin/mikroaws/mikroaws.ini directory=/home/colin/mikroaws autostart=true autorestart=true stdout_logfile=/home/colin/mikroaws/logs/mikroaws.log redirect_stderr=true stopsignal=QUIT colin@mikrojenkins:~$ cat /home/colin/mikroaws/mikroaws.ini [uwsgi] socket = /tmp/mikroaws.sock chmod-socket = 666 master =[…]

Ubuntu 14.04 Persistent resolv.conf

My manual edits of /etc/reslov.conf weren’t persisting through reboots. resolvconf overwrites it each time … sad panda To force static nameservers, I did this: root@mikrojenkins:/home/colin# echo -e ‘nameserver\nnameserver’>>/etc/resolvconf/resolv.conf.d/head root@mikrojenkins:/home/colin# resolvconf -u