Developing RESTful Web APIs with Python, Flask and MongoDB from Nicola Iarocci __ Ryan Tomayko Disclaimer: After receiving a number of reasonable complaints about the gender-oriented nature of this article from people I respect very much, I’ve decided to take it down for good. While the dialog was never intended as commentary on the[…]

Convert m4a to mp3 (or any FFMPEG conversion – Modify accordingly)

root@colinbsd2:/usr/home/colin # cat /mnt/ipod/iPod_Control/Music/m4aTomp3sh #!/bin/sh if [ -z $1 ];then echo Give target directory; exit 0;fi find “$1” -depth -name ‘*’| while read file ; do directory=$(dirname “$file”) oldfilename=$(basename “$file”) newfilename=$(basename “${file%.[Mm][4][Aa]}”) if [ “$oldfilename” != “$newfilename” ]; then ffmpeg -i “$directory/$oldfilename” -ab 320k “$directory/$newfilename.mp3”

FreeBSD Rename iPod_Control MP3 Files

Install Wine: root@colinbsd2:/home/colin# pkg install i386-wine Download: Unpack the exe: (quickest way I have is 7-zip in M$) Run the program: root@colinbsd2:/home/colin# cd mp3tag root@colinbsd2:/home/colin# wine Mp3tag.exe (In the gui) Select iPod_Control/Music Subdir F5 (refresh), select file Alt+1

iPod on FreeBSD

[colin@superBSD] /usr/home/colin# mkdir -p /mnt/ipod [colin@superBSD] /usr/home/colin# mount -t msdosfs -o large /dev/da0s1 /mnt/ipod [colin@superBSD] /usr/home/colin# pkg install gtkpod Edit -> Repository Options -> Add New iPod (top right) point it at /mnt/ipod Hit OK Hit Load iPod (top left)

Check FSMO Roles CMD

10:36:22.82 C:\Users\cstgeorge\bin> $ netdom query fsmo Schema master Domain naming master PDC RID pool manager Infrastructure master The command completed successfully.